I envy people who reside in America because of coupons. From what I know, every newspaper printed there has loads of coupons, which can be clipped and used accordingly. I know many friends, who I have yet to meet personally, who are into clipping coupons. They are addicted to doing so. Why wouldn’t they be? By cutting coupons from newspapers and even magazines, they are saving loads of their hard-earned money. An online buddy of mine was able to buy a brand new LCD TV at 40% off by using toshiba coupons from a magazine she is subscribed to. Amazing right?
Here in the country where I live, coupons are not that popular. Although I know one company that consistently gives out some through their annual calendar. Every New Year, Mercury Drug gives its loyal customers a calendar, which contains coupons for different brands. Each month has a different set of coupon. You already have a new calendar, you also have a chance to save when you buy medicine from them through the use of coupons. Smart!
How I wish many companies give coupons an idea.