These are things (in no particular order) that came across my stupid brain and I just had to let them out.
If there is something that I totally miss regarding our team before, that would be the team spirit. no, don’t get me wrong. we still work as a team right now but, i don’t know if it’s just me or what, but i don’t feel it that much in our current setup.
There’s an improvement lately. We started eating inside the conference room again and not in our cubes. Maybe this is the start.
Maybe Jerome is right. Maybe I was too dependent. And yeah, Lo-ve and Sel are right too. Maxado akong mabait. And yeah, I might push on renting our own place if we can’t really buy our own soon for my own peace of mind. Not that I don’t like having my in-laws around (they own the house remember) but maybe it’s time for us to start living on our own.
It’s almost November. Exactly 74 days before Ayex celebrates her first birthday. Not that I’m too excited but I believe I should start listing my options as early as now. I don’t want to have a disaster on my baby’s big day!
I, Sel and Shindie used to call ourselves Charmed Ones. But then Shindie thought that we should change it because we’re all married now. She said, should we call ourselves Desparate Housewives? I said, we can use that since I’m desperate to become a SAHM. Sel corrected us and said, maybe we should use Desperate maging Housewife instead. ROLF