Current Feeling: Bad Mood.
Disclaimer: The following post is due to my recent frustrations about life in general. Ok, let me correct that – a working mom’s life and a concerned wife’s life.
- My husband was diagnosed to have German Measles Monday last week. He stayed in the other room and did all things he need to do there – eat, sleep, work occasionally, pee, etc. He only leaves the room to brush his teeth and use the toilet. Last Friday, he finally had the chance to take a bath. Most of the red spots are now black and some were gone. It was somewhat safe to say that he’s already ok.
However, they say that German Measles is most contagious a week after the rashes appeared. It has been 5 days since the rashes disappeared. I’ve been telling my hubby to see a Dr since they are the ones who said he has this viral infection and they can also say if he’s already cleared. But he’s so insistent that he’s check up will be on the 23rd. So be it!
Let him play with Ayex from afar. Let him stay in the other room for as long as he likes. Let all other people in the house suffer when Ayex starts her temper tantrums because her daddy played with her for a while and suddenly left her!
- It has been raining here in Manila since Wednesday last week. And since my hubby has been sick, I’m back to being a commuter. Don’t get me wrong. I love commuting. But like others, I definitely dislike standing for 30 minutes waiting for a jeepney, standing in a bus while being pushed by others because I don’t have so much choice and most of all being stuck in the traffic for almost 2 hours!
- We introduced Ayex to Marie biscuits and Chayote last Sunday. When Monday came, I saw some red spots in Ayex’s chest which looked like rashes. We immediately stopped feeding her with Chayote and sticked with Marie – thinking that it will not cause her body any allergic reactions. When I went home last night, to my horror, I saw more of the rashes. This time, around her mouth! Even if I become a full-time mom, I know I will not be able to prevent Ayex from being this sensitive. Like good looks and other good traits, allergies can also be inherited.
- Last in this list of rants is the new u-turn slots along Libis. Before, there were like four u-turn slots along Libis, before you reach Marikina and Pasig. Now, there are only two! For those of you who is familiar with Eastwood, you have to take the u-turn slot under the flyover near IPI (going to C5) before you reach Eastwood. I warn you, it may take you 30 minutes to an hour before you reach it because of the heavy traffic caused by this new change implemented by of course, none other than our wise MMDAs!!!