We were in Las Pinas last weekend for Ayex’s anti-measles vaccination. After that, we went home to my Mom’s place. At 3:30PM, Mon and I left Ayex with my siblings to have our monthly trip to the spa. After that, I checked the ukay-ukay near to the spa because I saw that they’re on sale. Mon stayed a while inside the store and went outside after finding nothing for himself while I was busy checking the racks of clothes one by one. I got myself a top and a skirt.
Sunday – We heard the mass at 10:30. My sisters had their usual kwek-kwek and sago after the mass then we went home. We ate nilaga and tokwa’t baboy for lunch. Mon went up at 2PM to take a nap. He told me to wake him up at 4PM and we’ll leave at 4:30PM. While he slept, I had my toenails cleaned and took care of Ayex until she slept. Mon went down a little before 4PM. He started fixing himself and our things. We left when Ayex woke up, that was before 4:30PM.
We went to Market-Market in Fort Bonifacio to buy Ayex’s baby wipes. They have these tiangges that sells super cheap baby wipes. We don’t memorize where we bought before so we passed by different stores first. Yeah, windows shopping. When we finally have Ayex’s stuffs, we went to Kenny Rogers to buy food then we left Market-Market.
When we were changing clothes, Mon noticed some red spots in his body. I was kidding him that it was because he hasn’t taken a bath yet. After we ate dinner and he’s no longer tired, he took a shower. The red spots seemed to multiply. They’re on his face, arms and back. We thought of the food that we ate. He said maybe he was allergic with the oil that was used in the spa. We were determined to call the spa the next day.
Monday – Mon didn’t went to the office. I told him to see a dermatologist. He went to Capitol and the red spots were diagnosed to be German Measles. Since then, he stayed at the other bedroom. He does not go out except when using the toilet or brushing his teeth. I know Ayex knows that daddy’s just there at home but may wonder why is it that she doesn’t see him. It’s almost a week that we don’t sleep with each other. We talk behind the door or we text each other.
I miss Mon. Hope you get well soon bebe.
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