She also pinches and pulls hair.
I know that she does this out of frustrated and excitement most of the time. I also know that this is just a phase, and is normal for their age. It is just that I cannot help but be ashamed to the parents and guardians of her victims specially that there are times when she is the one moving towards the kids only o pinch their nose or bite them somewhere.
Explaining what is happening to my 5-year-old is also very challenging since she got used to being the center of attention and owned her toys to herself for quite some time. She is still adjusting and I know it will take more patience for me to help her understand.
I also need to work on my temper since it is always easy to shout than to pause for a while when frustration sets in, right? Double that with PMS and I go nuts!
The game plan is to let Alex understand sharing and make her avoid getting things from Max so that latter will not bite or hurt in any way the former. I have been telling Max that biting hurts but she does not seem to care. So I have to think of other ways how I can communicate to her that biting is not good. Got suggestions?
Did your kid went through this phase too? Share with me your stories and your tips.