My husband has just reminded me. Our insurance premium for our second year is due very soon. I told myself that I should be the one shouldering mine but I do not have a steady income yet (and will not have one anytime soon, I think). Hubby knew that he will have to shoulder my payments since we entertained the idea of getting ourselves insured because I thought of quitting my day job already to take care of our girls. It requires quite an amount but we know that we are investing our money properly. Since we decided to insure ourselves, we learned so many things about insurances and its kinds like that contractors insurance. Since I do not have anything to share with the premium payments yet, I will just do my part on reducing our other expenses. 😀
Laidback Luxury Soon
We have seen the plan. There were just a few adjustments and additions but technically, we have approved it.
My dad says, if things go well, including the funding, the whole structure will be livable in three months time at most. I cannot believe that building the whole thing can be that fast! But he has been acting as foreman for a few projects since when I cannot remember, so it means he knows what he is saying. Exciting right?
In my wish list, I will be including chaise lounge from for the terrace. But that can be dealt with after everything that is important has been settled. What is important is that the structure is ours and we can live in it.
Saving Options for Our Child’s Education
Getting our child the best education is a challenge that every parent is willing to take.
As a parent, we have big dreams for our children and we know that their future depends on the quality of education they receive today. This is why, in the midst of growing financial worries, we work doubly hard to prepare for their children’s future educational needs.
But with school expenses increasing every year, our savings may not be enough to cover college tuition fees and other expenses. Aside from regularly saving money, one can also prepare by getting profitable investments that offer better returns. Invest in companies which have made a mark and have a proven track record in the industry, like Insular Life.