A hybrid golf club is a club style all its own. It was initially created by combining the best characteristics of the wood and the iron. The outcome of the hybrid golf club is better distance and the swing of an iron.
More technically, the hybrid gold club has a head that is reminiscent of the standard wood club. Additionally its face is slightly convex, and the club is hollow. Because the hybrid is so new to the golf scene, its requirements have not been standardized within the industry. Some manufacturers will turn out their own version of the hybrid club by adding a little wood to an iron. But the design of true hybrid golf clubs are more complicated and involve precision weights and measurements.
A hybrid golf club swings similarly to a standard iron. However, the wood on the hybrid creates more impulse on the ball which, in turn, improves the loft. The ball angle is higher than that of a similar iron. The backspin of the ball is also increased when a hybrid gold club is used.
Once a golfer begins using hybrid golf clubs, there will be a small learning curve where he or she will have to compensate for the loft and backspin of the ball. Eventually, though, players can use hybrid clubs to their advantage. Hybrid clubs are becoming increasingly more popular. In fact, two out of five golfers are hybrid club owners. They are extremely happy with the improvement of their game.