- To those who drive
When you go out of the road, please always bear in mind your family, your passengers and their family and yourself, of course.
Today, on my way to work. I saw another accident along Katipunan, in front of Ateneo. It involves a motorcycle and another car. The motorcycle rider is under the the car and I’m not sure if the person is still alive. I pray that he/she is.
Imagine, it is just a few weeks before Christmas. Let us not allow unhappy events because this should be a merry season. I know everyone is in a rush but that does not suppose to mean we should risk our safety and let our loved ones worry. Please everyone, be very careful when you drive, be mindful of others and bring with you lots of patience. Pray before you leave your driveway, it will help you.
- To my readers
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This will help me and the Disqus team to troubleshoot the issue. Many many thanks, everyone!
Let us all have a blessed week ahead.
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