How I wish I am a work at home mom now. I would probably have lots of time teaching and helping Ayex with her school work.
Recently, Ayex had a math quiz where I had to review her on tracing and writing the numbers 6-10. I know that I have to prepare our material, dotted lines which she has to trace. How about explaining the strokes she has to follow to make the numbers? How do you explain that to a 3 year-old?
So that night we came home and found she will have a quiz the next day, I ate as fast as I can and clean-up myself. I am making tracing materials for Ayex to practice her writing the numbers 6-10. I didn’t realize that making the materials alone will take time. So much time that I was only able to create one page with the numbers 6-10. Since it was already late (we get home at around 8pm and her class the next day starts at 8am), after Ayex finished that one page, she started to refuse listening to our instructions. Later on, she said Mommy antok na ako. What a mom should do? Of course I let her sleep. And then I worried about how she will perform with the exam. She got 6 out 10 correctly.
I still don’t have the answer to my 2nd question: How do you explain the strokes a child has to follow to create a letter or a number?. All I know now is that I have to be consistent with how her teachers say the strokes so she can easily identify with what I say. The good news is, I found something via Mr. G that will give me more time to teach Ayex how to write because I won’t have to do the tracing materials manually.

The site is a bit hard to navigate but once you find your way, you can create your Handwriting Materials for Free in more of less 5 minutes. I created materials for the numbers 6-10 and saved it in the site for future use. You can search the author Ayex if you need similar materials.
Last Monday, I asked hubby to print one page for each number and photocopy them after. Now, we have several pages at home which we can use anytime to practice the little girl even if there is no quiz at school.
The little girl had another quiz about the numbers 6-10 yesterday, this time she got 8 out 10 correct. She was able to trace all the numbers but did not write the numbers 7 and 9.
Got tips on how to teach a child how to write apart from practice makes perfect, why don’t you share them here?