And Celeteque, and Myra E, and Ceelin, and Enervon, and Biogesic and PH Care and I can keep on listing all the UNILAB products that we love. But the reason why we love these products will remain the same.
1. We have proven the effectivity and safety of these products.
2. These products are accessible, meaning they are available practically anywhere.
3. These products do not make a hole out of our pockets. Yes, they are affordable.
So let me go back to the title of my post. I have told you why we love the other products from UNILAB. Now, let me tell you why we love Swish Mouthwash, the Mangosteen Mint variant in particular.
Ever had that fishy feeling in your mouth even after brushing? I do, specially when I eat seafood or something garlicky. Brushing alone just won’t remove the after taste of food. Gargling with Swish does! No joke. Try it and you will experience what I mean.
My two girls also love this variant because of the fruity-minty taste. They even thought that the flavor is that of the fruit from the high mountains. π We let them gargle with Swish under supervision.
I also like that it does not give that ouchy feeling on the tongue during gargling. Alam mo yung parang napaso ang dila mo ng mainit na food? Walang ganun with Swish. Alcohol-free kasi siya.
Swish is powered by SureFresh Technology, which means it does not just cover up bad breath, it kills bad bacteria, prevents plaque and gingivitis and gives us long-lasting fresh breath. Bye-bye fishy taste!
You too can try this awesome product to see if what you just read are true. Just go to the nearest supermarket, drugstore or convenience store and you will be able to buy one. The SRP of this product is as follows, so you know how much to bring.
35 mL β P35
60 mL β P46.75
120 mL β P75
250 mL β P137.50
The one in my photo is the 250 mL packaging. Happy Swishing!