Today, Max and I rode the MRT. It sucks that “there is no courtesy lane for people with children, just for senior citizens” when buying tickets. Thanks to a knowledgeable guard and a considerate man who let this mom with a two-year-old in a sling buy ticket without having to go through the long line.
As expected, there were plenty of people waiting for the train already. Max and I went to the first cab. IN this cab, pregnant women, senior citizens and people with children should be given priority. Unfortunately, people these days no longer recognize that. I was prepared though to stand during the whole ride, about 30 minutes, until we reach the final station. No one offered their seat to us but after three stations, we were able to seat. I feel very sad that people these days seem to have forgotten their values. Maybe they just grew up and they WERE NOT RAISED.
Thanks to my parents for raising me and my siblings well. And I promise to them, I will not trade my values for anything. That is what I said to myself when I saw this on Facebook a couple of nights ago.
Oh, before I can forget, let me just say, BABY-WEARING ROCKS! Commuting with a baby is easy-peasy with the help of slings. Wish I have a picture of Max and I standing in midst of the crowd in the train.
Good manners are taught in school and of course at home. Maybe those rude people just don’t practice what they have been taught.