Getting a loan may strike some people as a bad idea, considering how many horror stories we hear about people sliding deeper into debt with each passing year. “Americans don’t save. They spend everything they make and more” would be a common theme. It is a good thing there are companies like Pay Day One that operate on any level, and provide a service that many people genuinely need from time to time. Of course, a payday loan isn’t something you should be taking out every week, but sensible people already know this.
When someone says a payday loan every so often is okay, they don’t mean to imply that “every so often” means “every Monday, after a weekend of very expensive debauchery.” If you try to live like that, you’ll quickly figure out that unless you work on Wall Street and earn more than a million dollars a year, there’s no free ride out there. For mere mortals, you have to use some moderation and common sense in your spending patterns.
Unfortunately, even the most influential people make mistakes. If you didn’t start saving until a month or so ago, there’s a good chance your cash hoard doesn’t exactly rival Fort Knox yet. It’s not something to feel bad for, though. In a genuine emergency, you almost couldn’t have seen it coming before the damage got done. If you get in a car accident or suffer some kind of debilitating illness, you’re forgiven for not knowing it was going to happen before it does. When it comes down to needing help today, you need something like Pay Day One to get you back onto solid ground.
Way too many people think that payday loans are always a bad idea, but they forget that in the right situation, many things become appropriate. In the diet world, people scream about cutting out fat — but they forget that a human body needs fat to continue working. If your situation has gotten desperate, you can either be “too good” to take out a loan at a place like Pay Day One, or you can bite the bullet. Granted, you shouldn’t be taking out a loan every week, but that’s about as much of a revelation as telling you to brush and floss your teeth. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and Pay Day One can help you get back onto solid ground.
Image by kevindean via Flickr
Never get big loans if you can’t pay it. Also pay the old ones before getting a new loan kasi magpapatong patong and baka hindi na mabayaran.
Get a loan only if you know that you’ll be able to pay it off in the future.