Do you have a hard time putting your children to bed? I do.
You see, I have two girls and more often than not, I put both of them to sleep all by myself. Both of them have bedtime routines and no matter how tired I am, I do my best to follow through so they can get used to it.
I have no problem with Max as she has her schedule. Would you believe that even if she just woke up, if it is already her nap time, put her to bed and she will sleep again? That happens even when she just woke up two hours ago. At night, by 9 PM, she is already fussy, which means she is ready for bed time. After cleaning up, she will fall asleep in as fast as ten minutes while breastfeeding.
Ayex is the complete opposite. I clean her up after Maxyn. Since I cannot put them to sleep at the same time because I am breastfeeding Max, I listen to her stories first. When Max is asleep, I will start tapping her bottom. In between taps, she would still tell stories or ask questions until an hour of tapping has passed. In between those interruptions, I would ask her to go to sleep. There would be times when she would ask for so many things like say good night to people first, drink water, pee, and so on. She has many alibis and I cannot think where she gets them. When I get really tired, which happens a lot, I would end up raising my voice and plead her to go to sleep. Normally, it takes her two hours before finally dosing off.
School will start in a week’s time and I am very worried that Ayex’s bad sleeping habits will give me tons of headaches, wrinkles and fine lines. I want her to have complete sleep when she goes to school to make her energetic and generally happy. The thing is, I do not how can she be so good in holding back her sleepiness.
It’s just now I realize what mothers go through 😛 Now that Sean is already 6 months, we try to set a bedtime schedule too .
As of now, since 3 months pa lang mga babies no problem pa for me… pero for sure in a few months ganyan na rin problem ko…
I’m lucky my daughter has outgrown that stage :). I don’t know, is it a stage? Or do some kids grow up to be “difficult sleepers”? Maybe now that you’re a SAHM (congrats on that, by the way!), you’ll have more energy putting Ayex to bed.
that is what the always problem of mothers. good luck to you sis , maybe next year ganon narin ang ma experience ko, he he he.