I know this is a delayed post but please bear with me as we just got back from an instant getaway to Pangsinan. I didn’t realized how beautiful that province is given that it is where I spent most of my summer vacations when I was young. Sorry for digressing, I shall blog about that trip after this one.
Ayex’s graduation was very very very long. It tired not only the parents and guardians but most of all, the kids – both graduating and not. There was a point when everyone is already hungry but the the food cannot be served yet because the rites is not yet done. The whole program seemed to be a bit disorganized as well or maybe because they mixed the graduation and recognition rites in one event.
If there’s any thing I enjoyed as a parent, that would be the privilege of accepting your child’s first diploma and first school awards. Ayex was awarded Most Neat and Best in Science.
Today has been a busy day for me. I have to leave the office now I can make it home earlier. I hope you understand. Please come back tomorrow to read the details of the Ayex’s first graduation event.
Have a great night ahead everyone!
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