I have another award post for today. This time, it came from fellow Mommy Blogger, Golden. Thanks Sis for always remembering me.
Here are the rules of acceptance:
- Acknowledge the person who sent you the award.
- Nominate 7 other blogs.
- Share your 7 personality traits so we can get to know you better.
Let me break the rules here and start answering number 3 first.
- I am a loving wife.
- I am a patient and loving mommy.
- I am a learner. I like learning new things. I like exploring things.
- I am an extrovert. I like to believe that I am easy with people. I can easily get along in a new crowd.
- I am resilient. I am very adaptable to change.
- I am kind-hearted. Pusong mamon as they say.
- I am sort of techie. Have you read it on this blog?
Ok, that was short and sweet, eh? Now, let me see. Of all the gorgeous people in my blog roll, let’s get to know these people more, shall we?
*Source: The Daily Meme
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