I got this award early August from Czaroma of A Woman Remembers but as you may noticed, it took a while before I was able to post it. Thanks, Sis!
Being humane is characterized by tenderness, compassion, and sympathy for people and animals, esp. for the suffering or distressed. Source: Dictionary.com
I’ve always seen myself act so motherly even when I was a child. That’s probably because I’m the eldest daughter and caring for my siblings is something I got so used to since both my parents are working. Thanks to them, I’ve grown like this. I don’t mean to be a braggart here but I’m sure people who know me well can attest to this.
I still believe that if everyone will be compassionate to each other, there is a huge chance to change this world. It is never too late to CHANGE.
Now, to keep spreading this call to be Humane, I’m passing this ward to the following:
- Chyng of No Spam, No Virus, No Kiddin’! and
- Sam of A Mom’s Life and Loves
oohh, thanks for the Humane award! ;D
oohh, thanks for the Humane award! ;D
thanks for the award sis! 🙂