It has been a rainy week here at Metro Manila. Fortunately, I haven’t gone home soaked in rain shower unlike the other Trender I saw last Tuesday here at the office. She was on her way to work and so near our building already when the heavy rain suddenly poured! She looked like someone who just took a bath and forgot to dry herself before putting on her clothes. I hope she’s not sick while I type this entry.
Anyway, commuting is very challenging when it rains. It’s traffic everywhere because of flood. And since public utility vehicles are also caught in the traffic, there is a high chance that people will get stranded as they wait for a ride home. Lucky me, I haven’t experienced that at all.
Yesterday, I had a headache when I woke up plus the rain was pouring heavily outside. I decided to just work from home. Thanks for sapphire, I am able to work without having the need to borrow hubby’s company-owned Dell laptop. I think my decision to work at home was right. It kept raining the whole day. When it stops, it will pour heavily again after a few minutes. I find it a bit scary that this rain does not start as ambon. Instead, when it starts raining, it’s already a heavy down pour! Also, I read in the news online that the area I pass by going to work was struck by a tornado on the time I usually pass by the area! Talk about a blessing in disguise!
Ok, let me go back to the title of this post. I gathered some pictures that shows the effect of rain in Metro Manila. Personally, I don’t get why these happens since our LGUs in partnership with MMDA have funds to prevent these from happening!
There’s flood in most Metro Manila areas although its depth really varies. I heard in Malabon, the flood is always high.
And when there is flood, vehicles have a problem moving. If they brave the flood, they will end up with broken cars.
And lastly, when vehicles have a problem moving, unless commuter decide to walk under the rain to their destination, they will end up stranded and waiting for a ride for minutes to hours!
Yay! I hope it will not be like this when I go home tonight after my shift. Pray for me!
*All pictures where taken from Google. If you are the owner of these, thank you!
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