Today, we are celebrating 110 years of independence from being a Spaniards’ colony. Congrats to my fellow Filipinos! How come it seems that this day is so ordinary?
For one, I think because it’s not a holiday, unlike the previous years. Next, do you really feel the independence?
I know, I have lots of time because this work of mine don’t seem to fit me right, so here I am again, ready to rant! Hahahaha! Kidding aside. It’s just that there are times that I still feel that we are slaves, by whom or by what, I don’t really know. Perhaps we are slaves of poverty and corrupt government officials.
I, myself, is a slave of my lack of guts to pursue what I really want to do in this so-called career. (I’ll blog about that in a separate entry). Maybe because I’m not really sure what I want. Let me try to justify this post by defining what slave is.
From google:
- a person who is owned by someone
- someone who works as hard as a slave
- work very hard, like a slave
- someone entirely dominated by some influence or person; “a slave to fashion”; “a slave to cocaine”; “his mother was his abject slave”
From the definitions above, I think I’m partially right. What do you think?
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