If you frequent my blog, you know that I used to have a day job and that I quit mid of last year to take care of my growing children. Months have past and I have not applied for a new job yet. This time, I am looking for home-based jobs. I like it that way so I can still take care of my children’s needs, while earning a living.
And one of the most popular jobs out there now is in the field of Internet Marketing. Why not? In this techie world, many people spend more time in front of their computers. Just take the office workers for example. They are in front of their desktops and laptops for a minimum of 8 hours daily, about a minimum of 40 hours weekly. That is if they no longer open the home computer. You see, this is the reason why traditional media such as the television, radio and print as slowly evolving towards the Internet. Even the biggest television networks now have their own web sites where they post what they air on TV. Companies cannot afford for their market share to go down simply because they did not use any internet marketing strategy.
And this is why many companies are looking for internet marketers. I do not know a lot yet about this field. But I am easily taught and I am a fast learner. I am sure that if I give it a try, it can be my next career. If only I can start again with real work. The girls still need utmost attention from me. And the changing of helpers is so not helping!
Malou says
You can do whatever job you want if you put your mind into it.
Diva Fabulosa says
Getting involve with Internet Marketing is a good career to push through .
Internet marketers also have the advantage of measuring statistics easily and inexpensively; almost all aspects of an Internet marketing campaign can be traced, measured, and tested, in many cases through the use of an ad server.