My eldest is now in the age that she enjoys outdoor play. One time, she was watching Disney Junior where Special Agent Oso and another kid learned how to play hop scotch. Since then, she kept on bugging me to play it outside. In our language, we called it piko in my childhood days. Too bad Special Agent Oso did not elaborate on the rules, my daughter refuses to listen to me. LOL.
Other then piko I also played other outdoor and indoor games. I played with rubber bands, chinese garter, jump ropes, hula hoops, tops and even yo yo s.
If you think I was boyish in my younger days, no, I was not. I just enjoyed everything and believed that all children can play with things they want. And this is what I also want my kids to experience. As much as possible, I want them to engage in more active play rather than playing with electronic gadgets most of the time.
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