And I thought I will be blogging only nice things about our day, but Ayex did it again.
I woke up at 8 AM. I was still sleepy but I told myself I needed to get up. Ayex was already awake too so we left our room. I fed her with breakfast as we play wackle turn. Ayex and I are already finish with our breakfast when Maxyn woke up. After an hour, hubby woke up too.
It was a breeze taking care of the girls. We bathe them one after the other as we needed hot water for Maxyn. Then hubby put Maxyn to sleep in her hammock. While he does that, I cleaned up all the unused milk bottles and the sterilizer and Ayex played with her art studio.
After we had lunch, Maxyn woke up. Before we know it, it was already time for Ayex’s school. Maxyn did not want to them leave and kept of clinging on to hubby. When they stepped out, she also did and even went outside of the gate! Funny scene!
Maxyn was suppose to take an afternoon nap but I had a hard time putting her to sleep even when we are already in our room. Then Ayex came home from school. I asked her how things went and she was still ok at this time. She requested to watch dvd on the laptop. After I set it up, I gave her her time limit. Tatay noticed that she is already closing her eyes so he fed her dinner as she watched Thomas and Friends. I on the other hand took Maxyn again in our room and fed her in the hopes that she’ll finally sleep.
After a few minutes, Ayex is already in our room, ready to change clothes. Tatay has cleaned her and brushed her teeth. Minutes later, I found myself in between of two sleeping tots. And I thought it was the start of my rest. But Maxyn coughed and threw up the biscuits she ate as well as some phlegm. And she was awake once more. So we fed in our room and went outside for a couple of times again. This time though, I was able to finish eating my supper. Then Ayex started with her act.
My tummy aches whenever I eat after I felt my hunger. This is the reason why I always eat early. So I had to give Maxyn to Tatay because I needed to go to the bathroom. As I walk away from our room, Ayex started crying. I did not mind her because my tummy is aching badly. Inside, I could hear Tatay telling her to stop and that I am just in the bathroom. When I was done, I was already furious at Ayex because she kept on doing that. When we wants something done to her, she wants it done, pronto! I threatened her that I will spank her if she does not stop crying but she sobbed even louder! It irked me to my bones! Aba, noong bata ako, pag sinabihab ako ng tahan, titigil talaga ako kasi alam ko na ang kasunod noon ay palo na ng sinturon! I think it took us almost an hour before she finally settled down. Hay, Ayex!
I told Ayex that I never want to get mad for the same reason ever again or else I will stop her from doing things she needed to do in their proper places like peeing or pooping. I know I am being very strict here but I better do this now or suffer longer. Ay, I hope tomorrow night, no more drama will happen.
Wow! I really admire moms. You have it hard. More power to moms the world over! =)