This is my first time to join Green Monday Meme. I have my own share of preserving Mother Earth’s beauty but I am having a hard time writing about them. Maybe because I do not know where to start. Haha!
Anyway, one of the things I do to help save Mother Earth is I use less paper as much as I can. Working in the corporate world and using less paper may seem impossible but in reality, IT IS POSSIBLE. Last year, I bought a calendar planner because I always forget what date it is already. With that, I sometimes forget that there are upcoming deadlines too. That planner has 12 sheets.
This year, I decided not to buy anymore. Initially, I thought of recycling last year’s but the days are not the same. So I settled with this.
Now there is no date I forget and no deadlines to miss. Plus I save some trees because of my virtual desktop calendar. Oh, I save some ink too!
GREAT REVIEW! I agree with pretty much all you said in your post, especially at the beggining of your article. Thank you, your post is very valuable as always. Keep up the good work! You’ve got +1 more reader of your web blog:) Isabella S.
Hello Mommy Nicquee, visiting you here. I also end up looking in my Mac, iPod or Phone to check the dates. No paper had been used and it’s so handy. I can bring it with where ever I go.
See you again, mine is up – My Green Living
love your green desktop and wallpaper too 🙂