We’re only renting our current place but that doesn’t have to stop me from putting some stuff that can improve the organization of our home right?
These are things we bought a few months ago to organize our place but I wasn’t able to create a post about them due to heavy work load. Anyway, I hope you find them useful for your own home too.
We finally have our very own full-length mirror in our room. This is something I’ve been wanting to buy because I’m a certified narcissist who likes to look at herself all the time! Kidding! I find this very convenient because I won’t have to go out to the living area where another mirror is just to make sure I look my best before leaving the house for work. If I go our of our room, I can just pick up my packed food and go.
Before, we used to go out of our room after taking a bath to be able brush our hair because it is where our comb is and the mirror. Also, Ayex’s headbands used to be found just anywhere in our house because she has nowhere to place all of them together. Now, you can find these things in just one place.
I personally did the screwing of the handle to cabinet. Yes, sometimes I am a carpenter! I made sure I placed it somewhere Ayex can reach it easily so she can learn to take care of her personal things like her headbands and shades. Now, this organizer is already full of headbands. I’m happy that Ayex keeps them where they should be all the time.
I love this accessories organizer to bits. Apart from keeping our things neat, it has taught Ayex the importance of being organized. It also fosters her being independent and assertive.
Before we purchased this, I have a pouch that contains all my bathroom needs: my feminine wash, razor, soap, and facial wash. For the other people in our household, they maintain separate soap boxes which are placed near the bathroom window. The shampoo is on the top of the toilet bowl. You get the picture? Yes our toiletries are everywhere in the bathroom. Things got more scattered when my sister-in-law came home from the US. Her toiletries were placed at the top of the bathroom sink. They were perfect eyesore!
Finally, we had a chance to go to the mall and I made sure we didn’t go home without this rack. Now, every toiletry is in this rack and our bathroom is as organized as ever.
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