My sister-in-law arrived 12am today. And so, after the long wait, the hubby finally received his new toy.
While I have read almost the full review by Lars Rehm and Richard Butler for this gadget over at, I still think it’s too techie for my taste. Yes, I know I have this thing for techie stuff but… I’m just probably being biased because I never really wanted a DSLR. All I wanted is a simple point-and-shoot camera like Samsung ST550.
Still, I thank SIL for this toy because with the upcoming events, this baby will surely be useful. I will probably start tinkering on it in the coming days because I don’t have so much time in my hands now.
Sample photos and a review will surely follow this post. Who knows, I might fall in love this toy along the way and forget about my point-and-shoot camera.
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