Are you the type of girl who cannot leave the house with just your purse or perhaps a teeny-weeny handbag? I am.
For me, the bigger the bag, the more things it can accommodate, the better! If I can put my long wallet, umbrella, kikay pouch (although it contains things like papers, ballpen, receipts, etc), roller brush, cellphone pouch, eye glass case, perfume and other stuff inside a bag – that bag is the one for me!
However, I think having a big bag has a negative side effect. Having a lot of space causes me to just put my things inside. There would be times when I’d spend more than 5 minutes looking for mg ID. At time, I would have to remove every content of my bag just to get what I’m looking for. That’s when I knew I needed a bag organizer.
At first Therese and I looked for this in the Internet. What we saw were rather pricey or not the design we wanted. Then we asked Janelle, who owns one where we can get it at a price we’ll not regret. She pointed us to Landmark in Trinoma. On that same night, I went to Trinoma and bought 2 pieces – one for me and one for Therese. This bag organizer is such a great help! Now I no longer look for my ID for 5 minutes. I’m maximizing my bag space.
If you need the same thing? Let me know and I’ll happily buy one for you if there’s no Landmark near your place – of course you’d have to pay it! Hahaha!
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