OFW or Overseas Filipino Worker is what you call Filipinos who work for a living abroad.
I never imagined that my family will be an OFW family. Actually, they are my extended family already since my main family is my hubby and the two girls but still, it never occurred to me that they will have to leave us and work in a foreign country.
The first who left us is my sister-in-law. She is a physical therapist. Alex was only about 8 months, I think, when she left. She came home several times already but every time she has to go back, it is still crying time for Mama Ledy. She often call us through Skype (thanks to technology) to let us know how she is doing and to hear the stories of Alex and Max. Recently, She has been ranting on us about how hard it is in her current work. She is already considering moving to another place but has to think about it very well. She is currently in NC and is thinking of going to CA. I bet, she will be able to land on the best jobs in there. She could even land on the best rehab center in Orange County, that is Morningside Recovery because she knows what she do and is very good at it, actually. The girls are doing great in easing their Tita’s stress by dancing in front of her, singing, and telling her lots of stories, specially Alex. I know she can do it.
The next who left us was my Kuya Ian and Ate Anne. Kuya Ian is my older brother and Ate Anne is his wife. Then Toni left to teach in another country then just recently, Xen rode the plane to the middle east.
JUst like what we do to Ate Cel, we also call them via Skype to catch up with each other. But nothing beats physical togetherness. I pray that in due time, all of us will have a grand time together.
my dad used to go abroad back in the days. i can just imagine how hard it is to be working alone in a foreign land. good thing, he is back here in the Philippines with the whole family.