Even before SY 2011-2012 ended, Alex was already complaining about her white strap-in rubber shoes. She said the fit is already tight. So we shifted to her black laced rubber shoes.
A few weeks ago, we went to the mall with the goal of buying her a new pair of rubber shoes. It was a huge success! We bought a high-cut pair with a design that she loves.
Then came SY 2012-2013. She enrolled in a new school. And this new school does not allow laced rubber shoes. The reason behind is that sometimes pre-schoolers play games that make them remove their shoes. If they are using a laced rubber shoes, it will take a lot of time to wear them again. Makes sense.
Alex has a pair of tight-fitting strap-in rubber shoes and two pairs of laced rubber shoes. It is simply impractical to buy another rubber shoes for the school. So we agreed that we will DIY the old black rubber shoes to make it lace-free.
This is the finished product.
We are looking for other materials like gems and stones to glam it more.
So cute! I love the design. Really cool.