Having a hard time sleeping? This happens to me a lot since I got accustomed to sleeping late already. But there are times when I do not need to go online and I have the luxury of turning in early, I still stay awake late because my mind refuses to rest!
I have here a few things I do to help me sleep when I wanted to sleep.
- Take a half bath before hitting the sack. This always works for me as it relaxes the whole of me. And isn’t always nice to end the day feeling fresh?
- Do aromatherapy. Good scent always relaxes my mind and I tend to forget all the negativity in this world.
- Clean sheets. Sometimes, the sheets are the culprits to our sleeplessness. Change them often.
- Invest in good pillow.
- Pray before you sleep. No matter how busy you are, do this. This will give you peace of mind that will help you sleep soundly.
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