Since we entertained the thought of buying Alex her own bike, I kept telling her that she is so privileged. In my entire life, I never owned a bike.
I can remember when I was a child, my grandpa will bring us to Luneta Park where we will rent bikes, a single one and even the ones with side car. I and my siblings will bike all we want until it is time for us to go home. I am not sure if bicycle for rent are still available in that park now a days.
In my teenage years, we simply borrow the bike owned by one of our friends and we use it alternately, while playing with other things like jump rope, chinese garter, etc.
So when we were at the bicycle store last Saturday, I kept telling Alex to be a good girl. I told her our condition over and over again hoping she will remember them in her heart. I am so thankful and proud of my husband because he is very supportive of our kids and their wants. I hope we can keep up with it until our children are older and have more whims.
Let me share with you Alex’s video where she is already using the bike by herself. This was taken yesterday, two days after we bought the bike.
Malou says
I also have a video of my nephew when he first rode a bike. It’s really a memorable day.
Connie says
awww… the things we do for our kids talaga ‘no? 🙂