I hate it when companies scrimp on things that they should be investing on. It hassles the customers, not to mention making their employees lives miserable!
Today, I went to this nearby grocery to buy things we will be bringing with us to our trip to Pangasinan. I was in a hurry because I still have lots of things to finish at home. I made sure I made a list of things I will be buying and stuck with it to get myself going. In ten minutes, I was done with my list.
At the payment counter, I can see the cashier kept on stopping from time to time. I do not know what was going on with her but the line is starting to get long as shoppers pile in the counter. I found out when it was my turn already that barcode scanner she is using is acting up, thus the need to manually type the serial number. Ugh! The time I spent on the check out line was longer than the time I gathered everything I need and I find it a total hassle.
I am sure the cashier reported that to the owner already. Are those items locally available or need to be ordered abroad? These things are essential to such businesses right? Why do they let these things be broken without spare? This should serve a lesson to everyone, specially those who are planning to have their own business soon. Invest on what is needed and important.
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