It is sad but I realized I’m guilty of this. I am so into the cyberworld that even on weekends, I try to go online to do things that I am unable to concentrate playing with Ayex. Maxyn is still ok since she sleeps most of the time in the day. When she’s awake, after feeding, either me or Ate Em takes care of her. Ayex is really the crucial part. being That is why I can’t blame her if sometimes she throws tantrums before I go to work.
I just remembered this because I read an article similar to this a few months back. I’m afraid I’m already neglecting Ayex because I’m always online. I feel bad about it that’s why, starting today, I will make it a point to just create scheduled posts for weekends so I can really maximize our play-time. Or I will just go online when both my girls are sleeping. I don’t want Ayex to feel neglected and I don’t want her to grow up remembering that I’m always working.
If you are always online, I hope you are still giving enough time for your family. We should choose when to multi-task and when to not.
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