Sleep is one of the most important factors in releasing growth hormones, most especially for very young babies.While your baby sleeps, her little body produces 3x more growth hormones.
The good news is there is a way to promote better sleep for your baby: through a consistent nightly bedtime routine.
Learn more about the JOHNSON´S® Baby Bedtime Routine, clinically proven to stretch your baby´s sleep by as much as 23%.
In addition to the JOHNSON´S® Baby Bedtime Routine and products, there are countless other ways you can help your baby fall asleep and even share bonding moments in the process!
Being working mom steals a lot of time from my family. I am away from my kids for more or less 12 hours a day: 9 hours of work and about 3ince Maxyn is still small, she gets more attention from me than her Ate. I know it shouldn’t be the case so I make it up with Ayex during bed time.
Before we go to bed, I give Ayex a half bath. During this, we play pretend in the bathroom and make loads of bubbles. Hearing her giggle and laugh out load somehow decreases my stress.
After the half bath, we sometimes watch Playhouse Disney together where I join her perform the actions in the show we are watching. We sing, hop, dance, clap, shout, and even draw as we watch the television.
Our catching up continues in the bed. While lying down, I let her tell me stories of anything. Ayex is in that age where if she remembers something, she tells you the story of it. And I’m telling you, this little girl’s memory is super! Maybe because I breastfed her. Hahaha! Anyway, her stories range from how her day went or something that happened from the past that she suddenly remember. During this, I discover her new words and expressions. Yes, expressions like Uy, bagong ligo and she is only 3 years old. While she tells me stories that could last for an hour or more, I massage her feet. And before I know it, she’s already asleep.
I learned something again today. That’s the reason why kids should sleep pala. Sleep helps them grow more.