This is my long overdue review about Yuuki’s main blog, It’s Not Always About Me.
I can tell that I somehow witnessed how Yuuki was able to transform her blog. From Blogger to WordPress and from to her very own domain.
Back then, when I read her posts, I sometimes wonder how can she, for the lack of better terms, create a post in different colors. It kind of bothers me since I am not used to reading multi-colored posts. The font of her posts quite bothered me too for their size. That’s the OC me talking. But as I read her posts regularly, I learned how to appreciate the colors she put in her posts. I realized that’s one reason why I kept in visiting her blog, to see what color she used in a particular post. Maybe each color she uses signifies something, perhaps her feelings when she types that certain paragraph or word. Yuuki?
Apart from the colors of her blog, I’m also after what she posts. It’s Not Always About Me stayed true to its name. The contents are not always about Yuuki, just most of the time. 😉 I like that she is able to blog anything and everything under the sun this this site while she is away from her family.
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