The first automated election in the Philippines, that is. Yes, the 35 week pregnant in me was out there yesterday to vote for my candidates. It was hot and the lines made me panic. Good thing I know there SHOULD be a priority lane for pregnant women, senior citizens and disabled. I went through unnecessary steps but was able to vote in thirty minutes or so. I pity the others in the other precincts/schools because their BEIs didn’t gave them priority, which made some just go home without casting their votes.
I am proud of my sisters and friends who are first time voters. Despite the grueling heat, chaotic process and other mishaps, they waited in their polling precincts until they were able to cast their votes. I AM PROUD OF YOU! YOU ARE NOW TRUE STAKEHOLDERS OF THIS COUNTRY.
Despite the chaotic process of voting, I am amazed at the tallying of results. They are fast and I like it. I also like the fact that people trust the election results we are now seeing, despite being partial. I am still hoping for some candidates to make it.
On the other hand, I would like to salute those candidates who have accepted defeat already.
May this be a start of a brand new beginning, something definitely brighter, far from the wicked promises of the current government.
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