I must admit, my heart went tug-tug-tug-tug when I saw this from a team mate’s email. I love gadgets and how I wish I can have every single gizmo I fancy out there. I spent time lusting on every single thing I saw even if I know there is nothing in the list I need anytime soon. Baby stuff are our priorities because I’m already at my 36th week! Yay!
I’ve shared this to my younger sister who have been going gaga since she saw my email. She haven’t seen everything in that case because I didn’t notice that I did not forward her everything. I wonder how will she react when she sees the whole list.
I know you’re already curious about this warehouse sale so let me tease you some more.
As of this writing, that’s the only part my sister saw. Now, if you want to see the complete list of sale items, check this PDF file I created. Feel free to spread the word and may you all have your hands on your latest baby!
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