Summer is officially here and before we know it, we’ll be getting invites from friends, family and relatives to different out of town getaways! What is summer without going to the beach or a nearby private resort?
My little girl seemed to have an early understanding of summer. She kept on telling us that we’ll go swimming as early as end of January. Yep, she’s excited! Her excitement is contagious that I bought her some summer stuff when we were in Trinoma a few weeks ago. You should have seen her face as I ask her if she likes this item and that one. She’s so eager to pay for them as if she’s the one to pay the bill! Kids!
Ayex didn’t have this last year. Every time she gets of out of the water, we have to change her into her dry clothes so that she won’t catch colds. That could be very tedious since she would dip herself into the water again after a few hours.
This time, I thought we can just dry her when she gets out of the water and make her wear the robe. I am hoping that she won’t catch a cold since she’s practically clothed. If she wants to go back to the water, all we have to do is remove her bath robe and she can continue enjoying by the beach or pool.
I really want to enroll Ayex to a swimming lesson this summer but I haven’t found one (been really toxic at work that this slipped from my plate). Since she doesn’t know how to swim yet but is now more confident to float by herself, we got her this floater vest. This is available in orange in another brand but the salesman said this brand is more durable than the other brand. I’m amazed that it is not as expensive as I expected it to be.
Not that Ayex is already comfortable going underwater. In fact, she only likes to float. If you submerge her into water, she’d probably cry and won’t go back to the water anymore. I just bought this one because I think it is cute. hehehe. And if by any chance she sees someone wearing one, we don’t have to borrow it. I was weird out at the price range of kiddie goggles. It can be as cheap as PhP39 or less that $1 or as expensive as PhP150 or $3.
We already have sunblock from Inidgo Manila, the one we used last year and Ayex has more or less about 5 pieces of swimwear. I’m still thinking if I will get her new swimwear because I think the price of the ones at the more is too much.
How about your kids, are they ready for some summer getaway?
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