This week’s PhotoHunt theme is Bags. It should not be too hard for me because I have a few but none of them suits my taste today.
So here, I’m sharing you something that Mother Earth will be proud of.
The bag my little girl is carrying here is a recycled one. It is made from empty juice tetra packs. It is hand-woven by Ate Dilen, Mon’s cousin. When we go to Lusiana, Laguna, they never fail to send us some of their woven bags, which we really appreciate. It make us use less plastic. And oh, did you know that in Lusiana, everyone is encouraged to use these woven stuff? They have a law that penalizes anyone who is caught using a plastic bag. Isn’t that thoughtful for Mother Earth?
How about you, how are contributing to saving our one and only Earth? Share your tips in the comments box. After that, be sure to check the other entries.
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