This is my second award. Thanks to sis Larla for this one. I never really considered myself as a creative person and having someone to give me a creative award is really something to me!
I actually had a hard time backtracking who gave this me, after I grabbed all the awards before and saved them for easy posting. Because of this, I am promising that after receiving an award, I shall post it on the same day or the next day the latest. *Cross fingers*
Anyways, here are the rules for this tag:
- Take your award and put the logo on your post.
- Link the person who awarded you. Remember each recipient of the award should acknowledge the person who honored them and go to mom’s special diary to copy and paste the award.
- Put your own blog title and link.
- Nominate at least five deserving moms.
I don’t quite get what step 3 says. Anyhow, I want to share this award to all the super moms out there. I know we are all creative in our own way. Feel free to grab it and post to your site, just don’t forget to mention where you grabbed it.
aha moments says
Hi. Great blog — I'm really enjoying reading.
Always fun to read about the different ways the creative process finds its outlets. Laura's is another favorite of mine.
She sent us a story, about how much creativity has always meant to her, and how it changed when she became a mom. She decided to channel her energy into starting a magazine.
You can check out her video at the link below. Hope you like it!
Chyng says
You are really creative! Congratulations! ;D