I woke up earlier than usual yesterday because I have to attend a meeting outside than my usual shift. As I try to sneak out of the bed, Ayex moved from side to side while scratching her chest occasionally. To make sure I keep her asleep and be able to prepare myself, I went back to her side and rubbed her chest. I noticed that her chest area is a bit rough. Knowing that she’s already half awake, I told her that I’ll just get some medicine to stop the itch on her chest. The little wise girl then rose from bed and said labas. Poor me, who wasn’t able to prepare on time because the little girl would start to act up when I say I’ll be taking a bath.
After some 40 minutes later, I still haven’t taken a bath. I finished cutting her fingernails after which we played pretend. She loves pretending to be cooking and making people taste and eat what she cooked (I have a future chef). Ironically, she loves cooking gulay (as she says it) but she does not eat them. She would ask us to remove even the tiniest carrot on her plate, even if we do not intend to give them to her.
So ok, I digress. After a while, I asked her if she want some fruitloops. Without waiting for her answer, I went ahead and prepared some. Good that she accepted them. As she munch them, yep munch because she doesn’t like eating them with milk, I asked if I can already take a bath. Finally, she agreed!
I’m already prepared to go to the office when I had to go back to the bathroom. While I was there, the little girl is already outside playing with our helper. Then I heard a familiar voice saying 1-2-3-4-5. Hooooray! She can now count 1-5 continuously. As i shared with some of you, Ayex would only count 1-2 and say smile. Hahaha! I was so happy after hearing that that I didn’t worry if I’ll be late for the meeting.
Outside, before leaving for work, I kissed and hugged her. She waived me goodbye and said ingat, which she usually does if she doesn’t have sumpong. I was already at the gate, still saying see you later and ingat when Ayex responded to me: morow. I laughed hard! Geez my little girl thought I will not be back from work until the next day! I corrected her and I told her that I’ll see her that night.
Hay, the joys of being a mom!
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