Ayex started talking earlier than usual but in German – in words none of us can understand. Over the months, I noticed how her speech evolved and Ayex does not fail to amaze me and Mon.
After dinner last night, Ayex was already begging for milk but I haven’t cleaned up myself. To prevent her from throwing temper tantrums again, I reminded Mon that we still have some sour gummy worms. He took it from our hiding place and showed it to Ayex. This should be my cue to go. I asked Ayex to give me a piece before I head to the bathroom. I was so surprised when I heard her say, No, bad, masim (maasim/sour). When did she learn how to say maasim (sour)?
After cleaning up, I finally gave her milk. While she was feeding, Mon and I were talking about something. Our voice was not too loud as Ayex usually sleeps while feeding. After a few minutes, she stood up, faced her dad with her pointer finger in front of her mouth and said, Daddy, wayet (quiet). Understanding what she meant, Mon and I laughed so loud! It was the first time we heard her say that. While we were laughing, she faced me and said, Mommy, wayet! This time with real conviction. When Mon and I stopped laughing, she breastfed once more.
Her vocabulary is indeed increasing very fast. She has started reading more books and even repeating what she hears from the television! Our little baby is now a real toddler!
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