Hubby told me a month ago that he wanted to bring our little angel to the Clark for the 2009 Hot Air Balloon Festival. When he told me about it, I just said ok, I didn’t bother confirming when it would be.
Today, I saw a friend’s post in multiply about the same event. It said the date is February 12-15, 2009. That’s next week! We haven’t ironed out our plans but we definitely want to bring Ayex there. Why? Because she’s so in loved with airplanes and balloons. When she sees an airplane she would call out “daddy” and “mommy” or whoever she’s with and will point to the sky. She would gaze at the airplane until it is our of her sight. As for the balloons, she just loves them. We took a lot home from the Halloween Party our office held last year in Fun Ranch. These balloon were kept hanging from our ceiling for weeks until they were already too small.
We don’t know yet when in the four-day festival we’ll attend but I’m sure we will. I’m quite excited as I’ve never been there before. I searched the Internet for the event and found a comprehensive marketing write up, which also includes the schedule of event. The event would start at 5:30AM according to the schedule posted, which got me thinking, are we going to travel that early or should we just book a hotel overnight? Still to be planned with hubby.
Next week would probably be the one of the busiest weekends I’ll ever have if we go to the Hot Air Balloon Festival on a Saturday. The mommies in the forum that I joined recently were having their first eyeball! Of course I wanted to join them since it’s an opportunity for me to meet new people and learn the art of socializing again! At first I was worried at the schedule because they chose a Sunday, lunch time. Then I thought, I’ll just bring Mon and Ayex along then let them go around after the lunch. Another father and daughter moment for them while I find new friends!
I’m so excited! I hope that both events will be successful for all the attendees and organizers a like.
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