It is official – today is not my day.
We woke up very early because the little girl has sniffles since yesterday and had a hard time breathing thus she can’t sleep well. And since she was awake so early, she’s already sleepy by the time we’re getting ready for work.
I was ready to take a bath when Ayex asked me to carry her. I tried giving her to Mon but the little girl would shout Indi! loud and clear. The she kept on pointing to our room. Once inside the room, she pointed to bed. Ahhhhhh. She wanted to feed. And so we did. 10 minutes have passed, she is still feeding. Her eyes are almost shut. By that time, it’s already 8:45 AM. I’m supposed to be ready already so Mon can drop me by Citibank building because we have lots of nappies to deliver. When I saw that Ayex’s eyes were already shut, I tried to stop her from breastfeeding. Great! She woke up and started giving us temper tantrums. I asked Ate Meriam and Mon to get her but she don’t want them to take her. I asked her if she wants to feed again and yes, you guess it right. So again we feed. Once in a while, I ask her if she’s already done and if I can take a bath already. I get a constant answer of “No”. So instead of leaving the house early as planned, we left at around 9:30 AM – thirty minutes before my shift starts.
Everything seemed so messed up. I had a lot of diapers to deliver yet we’re caught up in the traffic. Mon uttered that he will be able to get to his office by 12 PM – very early for the next day’s work! Of course I felt bad because I was the cause of delay. He has job too and it’s already a big favor to him to drive me to work plus the diapers. I resulted to calling my client and asked if we can meet at the other side of Libis instead so Mon won’t have to take the u-turn and head to his office already. Good thing my client and his hubby was ok with that. Still, that is not the kind service that I want to give them. Boo-boo again!
After lunch, Mon told me over YM that the payment I made for his Citibank Visa is still not reflected until now. I made that payment second week of November. Then he asked me I was able to put a date on the cheque. Oh my! Put a date on the cheque. I think I forgot to do that! I tried my best to recall how I did the payment. I don’t remember writing a date on his cheque.
I don’t know how else to compensate with this mistake. I’m strike two in a day! Offering to pay for the late charges doesn’t help that much. The investigation and all the hassles this may cause seem unforgivable! Hayyyyyy! I’m thinking Mon will never make me pay his Citibank Visa ever again!
Why am I so forgetful? I feel like I’m always lost!
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