When my mom told me about this video, I can’t wait to see it for myself. There’s this excitement that won’t go away until I finally saw the video for myself.
My angel looks like she’s running in this video rather than walking. That kind of reminds me again that she’s now big. No longer stays in one place unlike when she was NB. Hayyyy. How fast time flies! An unsolicited tip to all mommies out there, just let your child be. If they start doing little steps early just like my angel did, don’t panic if they would fall on their knees or butts at times. That’s where they learn more how to balance. My angel started taking steps as early as when she’s just 6 months olds but she didn’t have the proper environment and stimulation to practice and master this skill so it look a while before she started walking on her own. I’m just glad it happened now that we’re all ready that she’s walking!
I present to you my walking angel. I’m so proud of her, very brave baby!
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