I know this is late but as the saying goes, better late than never. Hehehehe.
I’ve been reading a lot of post by friends who evaluated their 2007 and I felt that I have to do the same so I can get a clearer picture of what I have to do for my 2008.
So how was my 2007? Defnitely 2007 was a year full of learning experiences for me. Giving birth on the same month last year was the so far the biggest life changing experience I had. Worklife – definitely one hell of a roller coaster experience! Our team lost 5 “pillars” and 1 newbie. Yes, and most of them left “unfinished work” in our plates. But they had to seek for greener pastures, so that’s fine. Since I gave birth last year, I can say that it paved way to a closer relationship with my family – but not with my friends since my priorities changed a lot – as in BIG TIME.
So what do I want to do this year?
- work harder (thinks of promotion)
- involve myself in extra co-curricular activities in the office again
- lessen my lates (leave na lang)
- catch up with friends
- be closer to my mom and siblings
- spend more time with Mon
- continue mommying
- reach out to my dad
Me, Myself and I
- lose more weight
- be closer to God
- revive my fashion sense
- save, save, and save
- love myself more
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